YES! You are the right page! I just have a new name! :) After realizing that I do more than just scrapbooking, I've decided to change the name and will be changing the look.. I'd do a whole new blog but I'd hate to have to start all over. Here you will find scrapbooking ideas. There's a ton of older posts that used the Cricut, but lately I haven't been using it much and well, my sewing machine is gaining more miles by the day.
Files are currently not available due to file hosting fees, please send an email to amkscrap @ gmail.com (no spaces) if you would like to request a file and I'll see if I still have it on hand.
By request here is a slot machine, made with George :)
And some cards, nothing special about them since the images are on the Indie Art Cart, however, if you don't have that, the shapes are made with George.

Thnaks so much for sharing your files!!
Thanks so much, now I think I need to hit Vegas! Thanks again for sharing your files.
These are perfect when I work on an album of our Vegas trip a couple of years ago. Thanks!
Wow both of these are really cool. Thanks for sharing your cut files :)
thanks 4 sharing, this will work great since my husband loves playing texas holdem and these cards are great.
downloaded your slot machine - may have to try to make that into an anniv card for my dh. thanks for sharing it!
Thank you for the slot machine and cards. I have a couple of gambling friends who will get a kick out of their next birthday cards.
Mary Ann
Thanks for sharing the slot machine and cards...I'm sure they will come in handy. Smiles Carolyn
Hey, thanks for sharing the slot machine card. I mother-in-law is a hugh gambling fan and she will love to receive the card.
Thank you so much for sharing. You are very talented.
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