YES! You are the right page! I just have a new name! :) After realizing that I do more than just scrapbooking, I've decided to change the name and will be changing the look.. I'd do a whole new blog but I'd hate to have to start all over. Here you will find scrapbooking ideas. There's a ton of older posts that used the Cricut, but lately I haven't been using it much and well, my sewing machine is gaining more miles by the day.
Files are currently not available due to file hosting fees, please send an email to amkscrap @ gmail.com (no spaces) if you would like to request a file and I'll see if I still have it on hand.
Couldn't decide on a horizontal card or vertical! so made them both :)
I have a stamp that looks like this, and thought that it would be cute!
George Only!
Happy to discover your site. You have some very clever ideas. Thanks for sharing with everyone.
WOW, these are great. I have ideas already :) I will post cards when I get them done. Thank you so very much.
ChrisVicente from cricut.com
Wow, you really have been busy.
These are great.
Thank you for sharing.
Have a great day.
Love your creations and really appreciate that you are so willing to share.
I'm going to make some of these up for cards for soldiers thank you so much.
I love the two heart cards. Thank you for your willingness to create and share! I'll use these soon!
Thanks for sharing these heart cards. They are sooo cute!!
StephanieDoan from Cricut MB.
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