
YES! You are the right page! I just have a new name! :) After realizing that I do more than just scrapbooking, I've decided to change the name and will be changing the look.. I'd do a whole new blog but I'd hate to have to start all over.
Here you will find scrapbooking ideas. There's a ton of older posts that used the Cricut, but lately I haven't been using it much and well, my sewing machine is gaining more miles by the day.

Files are currently not available due to file hosting fees, please send an email to amkscrap @ gmail.com (no spaces) if you would like to request a file and I'll see if I still have it on hand.

Email Updates :)

Just enter your email address to recieve Email updates when I update the site! It's Free!(**NOTE** I can not unsubscribe you if you choose not to recieve updates anymore. At the bottom of each email, there is a link to unsubscribe, just like I can't add you to the list, you have to do it yourself!**)

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Thursday, October 22, 2009


***Date changed on this post to Keep it to the top, and to remind Everyone (heehee, and myself) that October 22nd, 2009 is the last day to enter for the BLOG CANDY!***
How about some BLOG CANDY?!?
Perfect for the Upcomming Holidays!!

BLOG CANDY includes one of each of the following!!
Flower Soft - Christmas Green
Flower Soft - Russet Red
Flower Soft - Vintage Christmas
Flower Soft - Holly and Ivy Toppers
Flower Soft - Traditional Door Toppers
Flower Soft - Vintage Taglets
Flower Soft - Christmas Sentiments
Flower Soft Glue
To Enter::
1) Become a Follower! (Thank you to those that are already following!)
***I am currently at 271 Followers. If I should hit 500 by the time I draw a winner on October 22nd, I will give away TWO sets of Blog Candy!**
2) Sign up for Email updates (Optional!)
3) Post a link to This Post on your blog- Please comment on this post if you do, so I can leave a comment on your blog! - You will recieve an additional Entry if you do! But you must let me know that you posted, otherwise, I might miss it!

4) Leave a comment on THIS POST. Comments on other posts, or sent to my email via the email updates will not be entered.
Winner will be announced on October 22nd!
**please leave a way for me to get a hold of you, if you do not have a google account and are posting as anonymous**
Blog Candy Purchased from :


Anonymous said...

Just found your blog! Great blog candy, I have yet to try flower soft. TFS!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I hope you make it too 500 soon. The blog candy is a great idea and should get you there shortly. Great blog I have now bookmarked you and visit as often as I can.

cricut forum

ramonafl4 said...

what a great blog candy

Anonymous said...

WOW! Great Candy! Thank you for all your inspiration.

RAP said...

I've always wanted to try the flower soft products. Thanks for the chance to win some.

I'm now following your blog formerly. I read it before in Google reader but it didn't show us as following. I also posted on my blog here http://rapscraps.blogspot.com/2009/10/on-cricut-creations-she-is-giving-away.html

Jamie Lane Designs said...

Already a fan/follower, but I did post about you on my blog.

Thanks for the chance at this candy!

Anonymous said...

OOOh I would love some flower soft I haven't tried it yet. Love your blog (and Candy)



AndreaA said...

Flower Soft is something that I haven't tried yet.
I am already a follower and subscriber.
I posted about your blog candy on my blog.


LisaW said...

I just joined your blog. I don't have my own...yet. Thanks for sharing your talent...and your daughter's too.

Jen said...

I just add my email to be update. I'm so excited to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

Love your site. Great ideas, you are so talented. Have downloaded some cut file, love them. Hope I win. Don't have a blog, but would like to win anyhow.

Katherine said...

I am already a follower. I am really anxious to try Flower Soft. I've seen some beautiful projects made with it. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I am now watching your blog and I posted about your blog candy offer on my blog too. I get lots of visitors every day, so that should up your traffic too!



Scrappy said...

Hey Amanda!!! What a great giveaway! I just put a link on blog!


Carol's Crafts said...

Oh, I love Flower Soft. I would love to win this since I never win anything. I don't have a blog, but I will follow you and subscribe to your updates.

Carol P

Lois said...

Hi Amanda, great site. Wonderful freebies and the blog candy is too sweet. I can't put you on my blog as I don't have one, but I am a follower and signed up for the newsletter.

Patti Briggs said...

Oh, I don't have any flower soft and have been wanting to try it so bad....Thanks for sharing.

cricutlover20 said...

Fan and follower! Thanks for the chance to get some good stuff,Cindy at cricutlover20@yahoo.com

Holly said...

Absolutely amazing offer hun! I also posted a link to your blog http://scrappinemtswife.blogspot.com/2009/10/c-n-d-y.html

crotnem said...

Could always use some blog candy!!!
Yours look yummy! I'm heading over to
mine blog to leave a link here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance to win this blog candy!
I have signed up for your email, am following you and will leave a link to come and visit on my blog!

MSLILAC1958 said...

Thank you offering Flower Soft. I have never tried it before. I think it would be fun to play with.

Annel & Steve said...

thanks for the great ideas.
you are on my blog and I am a new follower..good luck with the 500..:)

Melinda's Cut-N-Up Creations said...

WHAT AN AWESOME BLOG, I've never, ever won anything but, I will be back just for the awesome info!! Melinda Perez

LadyTrucker said...

Wow, what wonderful blog candy! thank you for the chance to win!

Patty said...

Wow Amanda! That is fabulous blog candy! I have been a follower of your blog forever - or so it seems! And I receive your email updates all the time! I will go post on my blog about your candy! You can visit it at: http://scrappinpatty.blogspot.com

WOOO HOOO!!!! Let's party now!!!

Shelly said...

Hi Amanda,
I can't believe what incredible blog candy you are giving away! Truly generous! I posted about your fab give a way on my blog.


Thanks for a chance to win!

Annel & Steve said...

just found you blog! I hope you make your 500 your blog is very inspireing. thanks for the chance for the blog candy. I have never entererd one before..


Anonymous said...

Wow! What fabulous blog candy! It's so very generous of you...with all the sharing you do already!
Congratulations on having so many followers! I'm going to get on the list too. I just bought SCAL and am anxious to use it and you'll help motivate me!
Thanks again!
Sue B

Calie said...

I'm now following your blog and posted about it on my blog at http://caliescreativecorner.blogspot.com/2009/10/check-out-super-blog-candy-at-www.html . Thanks for the awesome blog candy!

lanechelseanme said...

Love your site! I'd love to win the blog candy!
Hope you make it to 500!!!!

Anonymous said...

regular reader. thanks for the entry for blog candy. smg-gdp

Anonymous said...

Not sure if Im a follower but I am now...I always go to your blog....
AWESOME blog candy there....so glad you also posted the pics from Lilly's work...too cute....

Type to ya soon...


Deanna Mulder said...

Love your blog. Thanks for a chance to win the Flower Soft.

Deanna Mulder said...

Amanda, I posted a link on my blog.

Becky said...

Thank you for the chance to win this blog candy I have not used this before

Anonymous said...

Pick me, pick me! I haven't had the chance to try FlowerSoft yet, but I would like to! I already receive e-mail updated for your blog.



Anonymous said...

would LOVE the candy! Good luck on 500!

Debbie Yates said...

Great candy...I am already a follower so I know what great work you do.

dabblesbydeb at knology dot net

Jana said...

Great blog candy Amanda. I don't blog but I am a follower.

Joyce said...

Amanda--thankful I happened upon your blog. Great inspiration and superb blog candy! Your following is sure to increase.

Elizabeth said...

Oh I posted about your give away on my blog: http://scrampersurfboard.blogspot.com/
I actually arrived here from Shellys blog post about it, so this is awesome, thanks :)

Kim said...

what awesome blog candy and sooooooo much can be done with it

Anonymous said...

Love the Blog Candy, Thanks for the chance to win. Sandy

Mary Jean said...

great blog candy! Thanks so much for a chance to win!

RachelleBarta said...

Love the blog candy. What a great give away. I don't have a blog but I have done everything else you have asked us to do. I hope I win. Thanks again for a chance.

Shanta said...

Hi I hope you hit the 500 number soon!!

Anonymous said...

I look at your site everyday. I love all the ideas & hints you have to share. You are the BEST. Thank you for all you share!

MyAuntKath said...

Great post! Would love this blog candy!!! Kathie

Anonymous said...

Nice blog candy.I'm on of the forst 200 to sign up.

happyhome43 said...

Glad to hear you are doing so well on your own! Wish me luck with the candy, I have been wanting to try the flower soft. Just never have that extra $ to try something new!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win - love the blog candy!


Ronda Upton said...

I so appreciate the time you take to share so much with us. Who doesn't like candy. Thanks for sharing. Here is hoping for 500 followers by Oct 22 & here's hoping I win a piece of candy.


Tanya said...

Already a subscriber, and now a follower. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!

Valarie (vampme3) said...

Love your blog! Been a follower for a long time! I've also posted your blog candy on my blog here:
http://valspaperobsession.blogspot.com/2009/10/blog-candy-alert_13.html Thanks for the chances.
email is vampme3@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Just posted your blog on mine! LOVE the blog candy!

Sandy said...

I am now a follower, I am a newsletter subscriber and I am leaving a comment! TY for the opportunity to win this great blog candy!

freetimegone said...

You are well on your way to 500 followers. I don't have a blog but love seeing emails from you and your great creations. Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful candy.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the blog candy!! I'd love to be entered to win! I love your blog and visit often! :)

Kraftychick said...

This is really great blog candy - I would love to try the Flower Soft! and I am now a follower even though I've had your blog bookmarked for a long time, I just never became a follower. Unfortunately, I don't have a blog so this will be my only chance to win! But thanks for the opportunity!

Tammi said...

Love your site always fun and a great prize , what more could a girl ask. Thanks Looneytuke

Tammi said...

I love your blog and now great blog candy what more could a girl want or need. Thanks

Paula said...

I saw flower soft at a show and am impressed with the look. I would love to try it. I am a follower, well, I get e-mail updates, and I enjoy your blog, very helpful.

Margie said...

Hi! I love your blog-I am a follower, and I posted about your candy here: http://scrappinmargie.blogspot.com/2009/10/blog-candy-alert.html

kathy said...

Love your site- I get great inspiration from you both emotionally and creatively! Kathy B

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving us this chance.

rache said...

Great holiday Blog Candy. Thanks for having such a great blog.

Candy said...

What great candy. You should have 500 in no time! Thanks.

Ann said...

Hey Amanda! Thanks for the chance to win the Flower Soft package! I've really been wanting to try it but haven't yet. I posted a link on my blog...

Thanks again!

Cherie said...

Awesome blog candy! Can't wait to try Flower Soft!

Anonymous said...

Howdy from TX
Yes, I am very much a 'fan' of yours and I look forward to receiving your email every day since I am also a 'follower'. I would love to win the blog candy and try the flower soft. Thank you for the opportunity.
Marjorie from the GREAT State of TX

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the blog candy give away.

I like you site.


Char J said...

blog candy--yeah!! hope you hit your 500!!!

Unknown said...

OMG! This IS the best blog candy!
I've been wishing and dreaming for the longest time about these goodies. Thank you for offering such a beautiful goodies.
BTW, I currently am on your mailing list.
Sharon L

lovemypaper said...

OMG I always wanted to try this.Very nice blog candy.Thanks for a chance to win.

Gmapatty said...

I am a fan and a follower. I do not have a blog to post your site to. However, I just wasnted to say thank you for a chance to win this candy. Hope I win, I am new at this and amy just getting started.

scrapBugz said...

Great blog candy. Thanks for sharing your wonderful work and creations. I enjoy seeing all that you do.

Am a follower and posted on my blog.


Lana said...

Already a follower, would love to win some candy!! Thanks for the opportunity! Lana

allthumbs said...

I'd love to try the flower soft. It looks interesting. I'd love to post a link on my blog but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

Shelena said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I'm loving it.


Stacy said...

I am a follower!!

craftynurse said...

Wow, I just discovered this stuff and only have a couple of jars but none of the other accessories. Would love to win this. Thanks

FifthAvenueGirl said...

I'm a follower...
I've left a comment on my blog here
I'm leaving a comment here...

AND you're drawing on my birthday! This would be such a great birthday present!!

P.S. You do such great work - so talented!

Freda Thomas said...

Lots of goodies I see. And I signed up before I knew of the contest. Hope I win! I posted about your blog candy on my blog: http://tropical-scrapper.blogspot.com/2009/10/more-blog-candy.html

dee said...

Amanda I have been a lurker for sometime, I have been a subscriber for awhile now I don't have a blog so I can't enter the contest but wanted to wish you much success in reaching your 500, but you don't need it as your blog is always great.

MizMaryAnn said...

I'm too new to scrapping to have a blog but really enjoy yours. I'd love to win your blog candy as I don't have much "stuff" for this new hobby yet.

Artzy 4 U said...

Ohhhh love the blog candy! I love your site even without the offer but I couldn't resist entering to win. You will find my comment on your wonderful blog on my blog at http://artzy4u.blogspot.com/

Have an Art filled day

Artzy 4 U said...

what wonderful blog candy! Love your blog and give aways....

I posted about your blog candy on my blog. http://artzy4u.blogspot.com/


Jamie said...

Thanks so much for sharing your ideas and tips. What great blog candy to win - hope I win. Jamie

Brandy said...

WOW! Great Blog Candy! Thank you so much for the chance to win!!! I think you will reach 500 soon!!!

Neesey said...

I became a follower of yours. I don't have a blog to post there, but I did bump your mb post to the top!thanx for a chance to win this. I have been dying to try it on my holiday cards.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! What a great site! Thanks for offering the blog candy. Hope I win. I've got some ideas on how to use it all.


Anonymous said...

I would like to enter...Following you now, and I also posted the link on my blog at http://kirkhamcards.wordpress.com

Dawn Anoweck said...

I love your blog. Great blog candy and i love the fact that you let your kids use your bug. i love crafty kids. my girls love mine as well. thanks.

Steph Ackerman said...

Just found your blog - great stuff. I'm a follower and signed for emails too. Thanks for the blog candy, I am really starting to enjoy Flower Soft, but I can't get it around here.

Mary Jean said...

ohhhh what great blog candy! Lori and I looked all over at ckc kc for this!!! Came home without any to play with! Keeping my fingers crossed! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi I don't have a blog of my own but I love yours. Thanks for sharing all you do. Tammy loopgoop57@yahoo.som

Blue6366 said...

Flowersoft huh? I have been hearing about this stuff and seeing projects, but have yet to find anyone local that sells it. Thanks for the opportunity to win it......Great looking blog btw. I'll have to come back when I have more time to sit and peruse around.

Kathy's Kreative Spot said...

Hi, I am a new follower and would love to be selected for your Blog candy drawing. I see you are approaching 400 right now. Good luck on getting to 500.


Kathy's Kreative Spot said...

Please enter me in your Blog Candy drawing


Charlott's Creations said...

I am following you and I like what you have on your blog. I will be back to see what you have new. Oh and I wpoild love to win your blog candy.

Rebecca said...

You have a great blog! Thanks for the chance to win!

Cher said...

Hi Amanda!! Wow this is GREAT blog candy!! I wish I knew how to add it to my blog.. I have one, but don't know how to get it up and running.. LOL.. But I am a subscriber and a follower... If you can tell me how to add it to my blog I will for sure as I would LOVE to have a chance at this blog candy. I have never won any blog candy but I have fun trying..

Muttshouse said...

Hi Amanda!

Thanks for the blog candy opportunity. I've never used the stuff and am curious to see how it works in person.

I'm following you! Don't have a blog up and running yet.

Best of luck!

~craftykaren~ cricut mb

Anonymous said...

I signed up as a follower and left a post on my blog about your site and candy :)


thanks for giving us this chance to win :)

Gmapatty said...

Thank you for allowing us to enter to win this blog candy. I hope I win. I just started scrapbooking due the fact that I have had two deaths recently in my family. I am now attempting to make memory/scrapbooks of the loved ones that passed. This would be awesome to win. Thank you

momoto4kidz said...

Great blog candy! Just became a follower of your blog.

jcscraphappy said...

i have wanted to try flower soft, great blog candy. I left a comment on my blog

thanks for the chance and blessings to you

Katspaw Creations said...

I have yet to try some Flowersoft and would love to. I have your blog favorited, I still dont have a blog of my own to be a follower but when I do i will. Great give away. Thanks

Bram_fam said...

Been a viewer of your blog for some time but I just became an official follower ;). Posted about your candy on my blog too! Thank you for all you do (I love your cart list).


Shannon - Desert Designs said...

Wow - just found your blog. Fab candy and creations! I'm a follower, a subscriber, and I've linked you on the sidebar of my blog.