
YES! You are the right page! I just have a new name! :) After realizing that I do more than just scrapbooking, I've decided to change the name and will be changing the look.. I'd do a whole new blog but I'd hate to have to start all over.
Here you will find scrapbooking ideas. There's a ton of older posts that used the Cricut, but lately I haven't been using it much and well, my sewing machine is gaining more miles by the day.

Files are currently not available due to file hosting fees, please send an email to amkscrap @ gmail.com (no spaces) if you would like to request a file and I'll see if I still have it on hand.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

10,000 Hits in 45 days!!


I have 10,000 Hits on my blog since OCT 2nd!
That's great!!

Time for some BLOG CANDY.

I'll post later what it is, I'm on my way to bed right now!!

Just leave a comment on here, and I'll randomly choose a winner Next Thursday!!

Thanks for visiting my blog!!


Moira said...

You Rock Amanda!

I love your creativity!

Thanks for designing the hockey player and skate - although I don't yet know how to get it - I will find out and I will definitely be using it.

Sherry Thornsberry said...

Congratulations Amanda! Your work is amazing. I have you bookmarked in my favorites =0) Thanks for sharing your incredible creativity.
I'm so addicted to your blog that I check it from work when I can sneak a minute.
I wish I could figure out how to get a counter on my blog =0)
Thanks a million.
Sherry (parn90@cox.net)

Anonymous said...

Great job on your blog! I check it regularly and I love your designs! Congratulations!

Elsie said...

Woh, how many visitors, but you have so much to see and to share, thank you for that, greetings Els

Sheila said...

You deserve to treat yourself...way to go! I love following your blog. Keep up the great shares.


Tee McNeil Art said...

Congrats! Your site is wonderful, there's no doubt in my mind that it's going to get even more hits in the future!

Thank you for sharing with us. We all benefit from your talents!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us. I enjoy looking at your projects and I am amazed by your creativity. I'm always looking forward to your next "reveal". Congratulations on 10,000 that is awesome!!

csroyal said...

Wow! Way to go! Thanks for keeping a blog... its very helpful to us newbies and probably even some oldies!

Unknown said...

Great job! I am learning so much from your blog - I am a regular subscriber now! I don't want to miss a thing!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You are truly blessed with a with wonderful talent and thank you for sharing that talent with all of us!

~juli peach~

Amber said...

Congrats!!! And thanks for sharing your wonderful talent so freely with us.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing with us.

Marg said...

Congratulations! Thanks so much for all your hard work.

jan farnworth said...

love all the stuff you create i visit your blog each day to check out what you might have to inspire me. Keep creating and sharing your awesome work with us.

MaryNSC said...

WHOO HOOOO!!! U is the Greatest.. THANK U!!!! For all the sharing you do very very MUCH!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Was there any doubt you would get so many hits with the wonderful work that you do!!!!! Keep it up and thanks for sharing.
Sharon (Luvtobug) from Vancouver, BC Canada

Cathie in UT said...

Congrats Amanda! That is amazing but then again you have such great stuff to share I sure understand why!
Looking for much more in the future for my little bug!

Valarie (vampme3) said...

Great work, Amanda!! I love your blog and thank you for sharing your cut files with us!!

Anonymous said...

Amanda, that is amazing 10,000. I'm so proud of you...you help so many peope learning to scrapbook and that has been scrapbooking for awhile like me...no one can learn enough when they do this type of craft...but to take time out of your busy life is wonderful...The Lord has truly blessed us all with you and your talents...you truly have a calling for this site...so many women look at it daily as i do..but I have to tell you there are men out there as well that loves this craft...while boarding a plane a man and his wife noticed my craft bag and we got to talking and he does scrapbooking so we did some scrapbooking and visit a bit while in the air..he taught me some things and I taught him. we exchanged addresses and phone numbers and he is scrapbooking up a storm on somethings I showed him..so we can't count men out for we never know when one is going to show up and say OH I'M A SCRAPBOOKER TOO...how excited was I to find out that men do this as well...take care and thank you for your blog everyday, Brenda1958

freetimegone said...

Love your blog and would love some blog candy.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Amnada on 10000 hits!! Thank you for sharing your files and knowledge!

Debby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debby said...

OMG!!! How cool is that to have all those hits. I just love your blog. I love the Catch of the Day and Fishing. They where so easy to use. Love how my layouts turned out. Thank you for sharing your cut files.

Anonymous said...


nickicole on the cricut mb

Anonymous said...


bck said...

Congratulations!! 10,000 hits..WOW!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your cut files!

AmyD - Cricut MB

Anonymous said...

Hi!!! I love to look at your site, its just full of ideas.crafty90

Christy said...

Congrats Amanda!!!! That is absolutely awesome. xoxo

Jen said...

Congratulations Amanda! That's wonderful!